Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Introductions and Such

Hello there! If you are reading this you are probably a random stranger. Or I have somehow got brave and invited friends and family to this blog. Maybe you friend and family found me on your own (seriously, stop googling me). No matter how you found me though, I am glad that you are here.

This blog is something I have been thinking about for some time. My husband and I have been married for just over a year (more about that in a minute) and I have been thinking about it all this time. I have been a blogger before. I ran a fairly successful blog for 4+ years. Though I enjoyed it my life is very different now. I decided that I need to start fresh.

My life/marriage/family/etc. may mean absolutely nothing to you. I guess what I am hoping to gain from this blog is a chance to share my story. I am also hoping to connect with other young-marrieds. Who knows if that will happen but I can hope, right?

So here is a little about me, my husband and our journey.

I was born January 1994 to two amazing parents. They have always been there for me and have given my sister (who is currently 15) and I, an amazing life. We have been able to vacation all over the country and do many things a lot of people haven't. Education was important to them, so they always pushed us to do our best. I blame (thank) them for my graduating top of the class.

My husband was born about an hour away from where I was born. I wasn't around until his last year of high school so I can't comment on how his childhood was. I can tell you that he was raised by his mother and that his maternal grandparents were very important to him growing up. He has two brothers. One is 17 and the other is 7.

We met at work. He started working for the public library in March and I started in June. I was the new girl so of course I got all kinds of attention. I was not interested. The only person I was interested in wouldn't even say hello to me! I kept trying to talk to him for a few weeks when we were finally partnered up for a project. He had no choice but to talk to me!

We talked a lot that day... and then when we got off he tried to just leave. Before I could even think about what I was doing I followed him and said "are you even going to ask for my number?" After that we talked all the time. We were together everyday.

My parents knew we were going to get married from the moment they saw us together. They got married at 18 and 24 so they knew all about young marriage. They also got married after only 6 months of being together so they were not surprised when we got engaged very quickly. They wanted us to graduate before we got married, which we both did at 17. He is a year older than me and graduated 6 months before I did.

We chose to be engaged for almost 2 years before tying the knot. We also chose to live together for a year and a half of that time. I think that was the perfect choice for us. We got to experience being adults before we actually had to. I was 17 years old paying for rent, college, car, gas, food, etc. on my own. I never used any government assistance.

Fast forward to now... We have been married 13 months and are still madly in love. I have completed my first college program and now work for a dialysis clinic. I love what I do. My husband works in retail and is trying to climb the management ladder. He is one of those crazy people who loves that kind of environment. He someday would like to be a regional manager.

So I hope after this long introduction post you still want to read my blog.

Some things that you will probably find on this blog are:
-baby things (I have a medical condition that could make that hard if not impossible)
-all things love and marriage
-struggles of being married young.

Thanks for reading,
The Young Wife

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! I look forward to reading your blog! I'm also interested in young married couples, it is encouraging to know that you weren't the only one married at 18 (and 21); and that being married young isn't as strange as it seems. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I don't post much or very often, so it might be slow and boring...
